Alliance Projects

As the apex organisation for co-operatives globally the Alliance is involved in and leads on some significant business activity including: 

.coop - The single brand that co-operatives can use to highlight their point of difference from investor-led businesses or other types of organisation is using the .coop domain.

Global Development Co-operative – a key global legacy of the co-operative movement from IYC 2012 is the creation of the GDC which aims to support co-operative businesses in developing countries by raising USD 50m to provide access to low cost loans for capital and infrastructure projects, find out more here

World Co-operative Monitor – Building on the success of the bi-annual Global300 reports which demonstrated the scale and impact of co-operatives around the world the Monitor will have a more rigorous methodology and expanded data and indicators, find out more here.
IYC Book – the Alliance’s legacy book for IYC comprising 100 stories of co-operatives from around the world, find out more and order your copy here.  



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